Crystal Synergy Ankhs

Blazingly unique wirewrapped Designs by Ras Na'Im are one-of-a-kind and will change the conversation in the room!
Sista Carla is a Certified Astrologer thru Kepler College in Natal Chart Interpretation. She has training in Solar Returns, Transits, Secondary Progressions and Solar Arc predictive techniques. Do you have a question about your life purpose, work, money or love? Book a Session now at the introductory price!
Items in our store are bare, uncoated, untreated 99.9% pure copper wire. When new and freshly polished, it will be bright like a new penny. Over time and in the presence of humidity, air and water, copper will darken. It may leave a dark or green residue on the skin that can be easily removed. Copper can be polished using ketchup, or our favorite are the Sunshine Polishing Cloths which we give away for FREE with certain purchases. Think of the Statue of Liberty. She is pure copper and green. When not wearing your copper, it is best to store in an airtight plastic bag to prevent excess oxidation. Feel free to purchase additional cloths using the link below!
For Over 25 years Ras Na'im and Sista Carla have been creating tools and jewels that enhance our connections with the Heavens and the Earth!
Emerging out of the cultural mixing pot of America like all things born out of the genius of necessity, Infinite Treasures is a perpetual feat of making a lot out of a little. In the spirit of the Ancient Earth keeper tradition of Khepera the Scarab Beetle, we gather all manner of Earth relics, high energy hand-picked crystals, stones, minerals, and pure metals and weave them into sacred geometric forms that elevate the consciousness.
Like life, our motivation, mission, and compulsion is to achieve variety in every piece created. No two pieces are exactly alike! This is our way of affirming the importance of originality, which is key to our connection with the CREATOR.
Now in it’s 27th year since conception, the distinct styles and techniques offer durable, original jewels and spiritual tools that stand out in a crowd and change the conversation in a room.